13 Jul 2015

EU leaders finally reach a compromise agreement on Greece after marathon negotiations in Brussels

Greece EU Referendum

Eurozone leaders have reached a compromise deal that could secure Greece a third bailout.
After a marathon 15 hours of talks in Brussels, probably the longest EU summit on record, Charles Michel, the Belgium prime minister, tweeted the word "Agreement".
Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council confirmed the agreement soon afterwards.
EuroSummit has unanimously reached agreement. All ready to go for ESM programme for with serious reforms & financial support
Eurozone leaders had burnt the midnight oil over Greece with Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, holding out in the face of demands Greece give up a good deal of Greece's sovereignty.

He was understood to be holding out over two central issues - the involvement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in a proposed three-year bailout, and a German proposal that Greece put €50 billion of state assets in a fund to be externally managed and serve as collateral for new loans.

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